Friday, August 12, 2011

Mercede Johnston Playboy

In addition to bashing Sarah Palin as a narcissist who would sell her own kids down the river to boost her career, and saying Bristol Palin is pure evil, Mercede Johnston's contributions to Playboy this month also include a nude pictorial.
Like her big brother Levi Johnston, 19-year-old Mercede does not hold back when it comes to absolutely unloading on Alaska's most famous family.
Or taking her clothes off for attention and money. God Bless America!
Follow the jump for a NSFW picture of Mercede Johnston in Playboy:

Mercede Johnston Nudemercede johnstonmercede johnstonmercede johnstonmercede johnstonmercede johnston
Behold, the power of airbrushing. And shameless self-promotion.

Mercede Johnston Poses Nude and Dishes on the Palin Family

Mercede Johnston is the attractive sister of Levi Johnston, the father of Bristol Palin's out-of-wedlock child. Over the past few days, a lot of dirt has come from Mercede about the Palin family, but in her latest comments, she reveals some juicy details. In fact, she makes mention of some surgeries that Bristol Palin has undergone.

Mercede Johnston isn't going to be silenced, and she is obviously sick of the lies constantly told by the Palin family about their family lives and whatnot. Hell, most people with brains can clearly see that Bristol Palin has had plastic surgery, but the daughter of Sarah Palin isn't going to admit it. Well, that's okay, because while Mercede posed for Playboy, she dished that Bristol had gotten lipo and had several different procedures done. That's not surprising, duh!
Mercede Johnston also alleges that Bristol Palin is sexually manipulative, using her body to get what she wants. She says she only got re-engaged to Levi Johnston to control him. Well, considering who her mother is, that's totally believable. And while Sarah Palin hasn't formally acknowledged these claims, tabloid magazines claim that the former vice-presidential loser called Mercede a "whore." Wow.

Mercede seems to have a pretty devoted relationship with her brother, Levi, because she has his name tattooed on her wrist. She says it symbolizes the bond between the two of them. So naturally enough, she isn't going to let Bristol and "Mama Grizzly" run her brother's name through the mud with slander, like in Bristol's ghostwritten memoirs. She also seems to have a pretty good idea of what would happen if Sarah Palin became president. She acknowledges that the former Alaskan governor couldn't even keep her job. She quit before she was halfway done with her term. So why on earth would she even last as a president? Good job to Mercede Johnston for speaking her mind and revealing the Palin family for the kind of garbage they appear to be.

Mercede Johnston Ups Feud With Sarah, Bristol Palin

Mercede Johnston, soon-to-be Playmate and sister of Bristol Palin’s baby daddy Levi Johnston, slammed family matriarch Sarah Palin, calling her too mentally unstable to be president.
Palin, the 2008 Republican Vice Presidential candidate with John McCain, has been an outspoken right-wing conservative since losing the election, and has been widely mentioned as a possible 2012 presidential contender.
The Palin’s and Johnston’s used to be close when Bristol was engaged to Levi Johnston. But after their break up, the two families have had a falling out.
In the latest blast, Johnston, 18, charges that Palin would have a “mental breakdown” if she were ever elected president.
“I think she’d have had a mental breakdown… As governor she quit on us. What does that say about her?,” she says in her Playboy interview, according to the New York Post.
Johnston said “70 percent” of residents in Palin’s hometown have a negative impression of the former Alaska governor.
She essentially said the Palin household is dysfunction. Bristol’s brother Track, 22, was forced to join the Army to keep him out of the spotlight after McCain chose Palin as his vice presidential running mate.
“His mom made him,’ Mercede said. She wanted him ‘out of the way so when she was at the convention they wouldn’t know he does drugs and would think he was a patriot.”
In Palin’s hometown, unemployment is high and opportunities are lacking and drug use is rampant. Track was into
“OxyContin and mostly cocaine,” she said.
Mercede and Levi’s mother, Sherry Johnston, was convicted in 2009 of dealing OxyContin and is a serving three-year sentence under house arrest.
Track married high school sweetheart Britta Hanson in May and she gave birth over the weekend to their first child Kayla Grace on Saturday.
Bristol was an 18-year-old unwed mother when she gave birth to her boy Tripp in 2008.

Mercede Johnston: Levi Johnston's Sister Upset Over Engagement News

If Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston plan on throwing a big wedding, it will be interesting to see who shows up and what happens, because it doesn't seem like either of their families are happy about the situation.
Mercede Johnston & Sherry Johnston Photo
One person who can't seem to make up her mind whether she's p*ssed about the engagement or wants to attend the wedding is Levi's sister Mercede Johnston. In a blog post titled "Who needs coffee when you wake up to news this shocking?" on her website Mercede talks about how upset her mother Sherry Johnston was when she read the article, and she hopes the newly engaged couple rethink their decision to get married so soon.

"I looked up to see that my mom was very upset, with tears running down her face, yet still trying to console my other family members who were texting her and sending messages via Facebook saying they were very upset that they had to find out about this engagement from the media and not from Levi himself."

"I sure hope this is a sincere decision that you have thought through carefully Levi, and that it will bring you happiness"

"I do wish you guys would take a little more time with this decision, and I certainly do not understand why you are rushing things. Unless of course there is some reason for the hurry."

They knew everyone would throw tantrums about their engagement and try to  break them up or make 'em slow down, which is why they chose to keep it a secret until they got a big paycheck from Us Weekly for the story. Mercede's spittin' mad because she's one of the last to know. Get over it!

Sarah Palin trashes and threatens Mercede Johnston for dissing Bristol

Sarah Palin a.k.a. Mama Grizzly has her britches in a twist over the fighting words levelled at her dancing daughter, Bristol, by her erstwhile almost son-in-law's Playboy posing sister, Mercede Johnston. Whew! Talk about your Northern Lights-style soap operas.

When we last left our almost interchangeable heroine and villainess, Mercede had claimed in a Playboy interview that reality show star Sarah Palin "would suffer a mental breakdown if elected President of the United States." Well... Hey, when the girl is right, she's right. What meager mentality La Palin possesses probably would "break down" in that thankfully unlikely event. Mercede went on to tattle that "Bristol Palin's pregnancy wasn't an accident. She and Levi planned it. They were trying to con­ceive for months." Yikes.

Never one to take the opinions of others lying down, an enraged Sarah Palin fired back in an explosion of rage unseen since the cancellation of Sarah Palin's Alaska.

According to inside sources, La Palin called Mercede "a little wh*re, [and] her entire family...trailer trash." She also called Mercede's mother "a drug dealer." Well, that too has some validity since Sherry Johnston is now serving a 3-year house arrest sentence for selling Oxycontin, a.k.a. "hillbilly heroin." Sarah ended her tirade by declaring that "the Johnston clan would never again see baby Tripp—the out-of-wedlock son of Levi and her daughter [Bristol.]"

So there you have it. For the next installment of the Hatfields and the McCoys—er—the Palins and the Johnstons, stay tuned. Same Wasilla time. Same Wasilla channel.

Sarah Palin’s New Family Drama — Reports Of Cocaine, Theft & Nude Photos!

mercede johnston

Levi Johnston’s sister Mercede sat down with Playboy and revealed some scandalous new claims about drug usage in the Palin family and why Sarah could never be president!

Sarah Palin‘s presidential ambitions may have hit a major snag now that Mercede Johnston, the sister of Bristol Palin‘s former boyfriend Levi Johnston, has revealed some pretty scathing details about the family – including that multiple family members may have done cocaine!

Mercede tells Playboy of Sarah’s eldest son Track, “He would do a lot drugs. He did OxyContin but mostly cocaine. He didn’t choose to go into the army; he went there because his mom made him, to get him out of the way…” Track did ship out during his mother’s campaign, though it is uncertain when exactly he enlisted.
He may not be the only fan of the drug either as, the interviewer writes; “Someone trying to get my attention makes the incredible claim to have snorted coke with [Sarah] at the Mug Shot (a local bar) and points to the very spot on the bar where said lines were cut up.” This is, of course, to be taken with a grain of salt.
Mercede also labels Bristol as a thief, among other things. When asked what Bristol is into, Mercede says; “stealing her parents credit cards to order clothes. Literally. And chasing after men and partying.”
Mercede goes on to say that she could bring any number of men to meet the interviewer and have them show some of the nude pics Bristol has sent them.
There is much, much more in the interview and you can check it out when Playboy hits stands August 12.
So HollywoodLifers, whose side are you on — Bristol or Mercede?

Mercede Johnston dishes about Sarah and Bristol in Playboy mercede johnston
Levi Johnston’s sister Mercede sat down with Playboy and revealed some scandalous new claims about drug usage in the Palin family and why Sarah could never be president!
Sarah Palin‘s presidential ambitions may have hit a major snag now that Mercede Johnston, the sister of Bristol Palin‘s former boyfriend Levi Johnston, has revealed some pretty scathing details about the family – including that multiple family members may have done cocaine!

Mercede tells Playboy of Sarah’s eldest son Track, “He would do a lot drugs. He did OxyContin but mostly cocaine. He didn’t choose to go into the army; he went there because his mom made him, to get him out of the way…” Track did ship out during his mother’s campaign, though it is uncertain when exactly he enlisted.

He may not be the only fan of the drug either as, the interviewer writes; “Someone trying to get my attention makes the incredible claim to have snorted coke with [Sarah] at the Mug Shot (a local bar) and points to the very spot on the bar where said lines were cut up.” This is, of course, to be taken with a grain of salt.

Mercede also labels Bristol as a thief, among other things. When asked what Bristol is into, Mercede says; “stealing her parents credit cards to order clothes. Literally. And chasing after men and partying.”

Mercede goes on to say that she could bring any number of men to meet the interviewer and have them show some of the nude pics Bristol has sent them.

There is much, much more in the interview and you can check it out when Playboy hits stands August
Mercede Johnston
Mercede Johnston Playboy Photos Fueled by Controversial Remarks from Levi Johnston's Sister

London Riots in 2011 Could Lead to Social Media Ban

British Prime Minister David Cameron is looking into the possibility of banning people from using social media if they are suspected of using the tools for plotting criminal activities.
"We are working with the police, the intelligence services and industry to look at whether it would be right to stop people communicating via these Web sites and services when we know they are plotting violence, disorder and criminality," said Cameron on Thursday.
BBC News reported that three people have been arrested on suspicion of using social networking sites to enflame a riot in Southampton. Furthermore, Hampshire Police said two people were arrested on Wednesday evening over messages sent via Twitter, and a third on suspicion of using the BlackBerry Messenger Service, or BBM, to stimulate violent disorder, according to BBC.
Cameron on Wednesday said every contingency is being looked at to restore law and order following an outbreak of riots in London. He added that picture by picture the criminals are being identified and arrested.
"We will not allow a culture of fear to exist on our streets," Cameron said in a speech posted on his Web site. "And we will do whatever it takes to restore law and order and to rebuild our communities."

London Riots Illustrate the Decline and Fall of Britain

Liberalism is a disease that attacks the moral backbone of a civilization, rotting it into a putrescent jelly that cannot hold society erect. At that point it collapses. This is happening now in Britain, which was one of the greatest nations in history within the memory of many still living today.
Anarchists today broke away from one of the largest protests Britain has ever seen to bring chaos to the streets of London.
The Ritz hotel and Fortnum & Mason were among the buildings targeted in the capital after groups of rampaging youths intent on spreading havoc left the mass anti-cuts demonstration.
Around 500,000 activists and campaigners descended on London this morning to protest at the Government's drastic cuts programme.
The cuts were as inevitable as the riots. As the last great British leader Margaret Thatcher observed, "The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money. "
Here's what liberalism looks like when it reaches full flower:
london riot

london riot
london riot

london riot
The white stuff is paint. The cockroaches with the masks are the result of generations that were never expected to take any responsibility for their own parasitical existences. They are Britain's post-civilization future, bred by the Dole.
Next comes authoritarian collectivism, a totalitarian form of serfdom.
If this could happen to Britain, it could happen to America — and it will, if the disease is not cured quickly.
On a tip from mega.
Police in central London are on alert for possible further unrest after a day of violent protests by G20 demonstrators.

Around lunchtime, riot police had to be sent in after activists attacked a uniformed officer and stormed a branch of the Royal Bank of Scotland in the City, London's financial district.
A handful of people with black scarves obscuring their faces and hoods over their heads smashed a hole in the windows with a metal pole and crawled in.
Protesters removed equipment, painted graffiti on the walls, threw a chair through a window and started a small fire.
Police entered the branch at around 2 p.m. and shortly afterwards began driving demonstrators away from the Threadneedle Street branch, which had earlier been closed by RBS.
Officers on foot backed up by mounted officers lined up outside the building as smoke bombs were thrown by a baying crowd. At least one police officer was hurt as the RBS branch became a riotlondon riotlondon riotlondon riotlondon riot

London riot victim clings to life

A 68-year-old man remains in a critical condition in hospital after suffering serious head injuries in London during the riots this week.
He was set upon as he tried to stamp out a fire on Monday night.
Scotland Yard on Wednesday said the man was attacked at about 10.45pm on a road in Ealing, west London, after remonstrating with teenagers who were setting fire to two industrial bins outside a shopping centre.
Officers who went to the aid of the victim, thought to be a local man, were pelted with missiles.
Detective Chief Inspector John McFarlane said: "I need the assistance of the community who may have witnessed the attack on this innocent man, to come forward and provide information or images they may have recorded on mobile devices.
"This information could be crucial in bringing those responsible for this terrible crime to justice."
He said the victim was "violently assaulted and knocked to the ground" as he tried to extinguish the fire, and added: "Police officers who were under attack by the mob drove them away and pulled the victim to relative safety and rendered first aid with the assistance of members of the public in an attempt to save his life.
"Again I urge these people to speak to us as they may have valuable information."
Police have released CCTV footage of a man suspected of carrying out the attack.
Insp McFarlane said: "Through CCTV we have identified a strong suspect. I know that on seeing these images of him people will be able to identify him.
"If you know who this man is please contact my incident room. If you are this man in the CCTV, do the decent thing and give yourself up."
A still image of a potential witness has also been released by the force.

Police in central London are on alert for possible further unrest after a day of violent protests by G20 demonstrators.
Around lunchtime, riot police had to be sent in after activists attacked a uniformed officer and stormed a branch of the Royal Bank of Scotland in the City, London's financial district.
A handful of people with black scarves obscuring their faces and hoods over their heads smashed a hole in the windows with a metal pole and crawled in.
Protesters removed equipment, painted graffiti on the walls, threw a chair through a window and started a small fire.
Police entered the branch at around 2 p.m. and shortly afterwards began driving demonstrators away from the Threadneedle Street branch, which had earlier been closed by RBS.
Officers on foot backed up by mounted officers lined up outside the building as smoke bombs were thrown by a baying crowd. At least one police officer was hurt as the RBS branch became a liots 2011

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london riots
london riots
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london riots
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london riots
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london riots